A Bedroom Facelift
As many of you know, our house is for sale, and we believe that it will sell in God’s timing. While we are waiting for the house to sell, we are still living in our house and using it like we always have. I, like all decorators, like to improve my house when I can. Anyone who has a passion for decorating will say that his or her house is never finished. We are constantly tweaking and changing things.
Recently Jeff and I decided to replace some of the carpeting in our house. We have lived here a little over seven years, and carpet tends to start wearing out and looking bad in that amount of time. We replaced the carpet on the stairs going to the basement, the upstairs guest bedroom, and the master bedroom. I would have loved to put hardwood floor in the master bedroom, but since the house is for sale, we decided that would not be a wise investment. While we were replacing the carpet in the master bedroom, I decided to paint the trim in that room. The previous trim was a grayish blue color. I never really liked the trim color as much as I thought I would, but I thought I should live with it for a while.
When the carpet came up, I decided it was time to change the trim color. The color I chose is called backdrop. It is a Sherwin Williams paint color, and I really like it. I first saw this paint color when I photographed a home last year for the 2015 winter/holiday issue of A Primitive Place & Country Journal magazine. If you have that issue, the house I am referring to is Louie and Georgia Leinberger’s home. The title of the article is “Christmas in the Land of Lincoln.” When I walked into Louie and Georgia’s home, I was immediately struck by the trim color. I told Georgia that I have been looking for a good gray color to paint some trim in our house for years. Georgia gave me the paint sample that she used, so this trim color will always be called Leinberger gray to me.
After we painted and had the carpet installed we decided to rearrange the room. We placed the bed in front of the windows. I really did not think that I would like it, but I did. It makes the room feel bigger and cozier at the same time. I was concerned that the bed in front of the windows would detract from their beauty, but I was wrong. So today, I am sharing some pictures of our newly tweaked master bedroom. I really like how it turned out, and since the bedroom has been tweaked, there seems to be a deeper since of peace in the room, and I am even sleeping better than I have in a long time.
One thing that God wants us to do with our lives is to continue to improve them. He has given all of us particular interests and hobbies that help to improve our lives and fill our hearts with joy. Decorating is one of the interests that fills my heart with joy. It may seem strange that we are continuing to invest in and improve our house while it is for sale, but I feel this is God’s way of keeping me occupied and satisfied while we wait. I know that our house will sell in God’s perfecting timing. That may be next month, next year, or it may be five years down the road.
The old me would have driven myself crazy with questions and would have become very discouraged by this point, but God has helped me see that we all have to be patient and wait for things to come our way. If we received everything we wanted in an instant, we would not appreciate the gifts that we receive, and we would not learn the lessons that we are meant to learn during the time of waiting. Being patient, allowing God to be in control, having faith, and surrendering to His will will bring all of us peace and PEACE MATTERS.